Course Enrollment
Each graduate student must enroll and attend the classes that correlate with their program's graduation requirements. The class enrollment period generally begins on the week before the first day of the semester. Graduate students may enroll for classes online. Please make sure you have finished this procedure during the enrollment period.
Please visit to complete the online course enrollment if you understand Chinese well. Each PKU staff and student has a personal log-in account for accessing to their own Portal (see to a screenshot below). For 2019 SIS graduate student, your user name is your 8-digit student number and the initial password is your 8-digit date of birth (e.g.: 19860915 for 15th September 1986).
You may find the log-in area (“您好,请登录”) on the upper-left side of the webpage, log into your personal account by filling in the user name and password accordingly. After successfully log-in, click “选课”(course enrollment) to start the online course enrollment.
The class enrollment period is the first 3 weeks of every semester that includes the first 2 weeks interim period of class tryouts. Beginning from the third week of every semester, online enrollment system will be closed with no manual operation available, thus NO further changes on course enrollment can be made. All deadlines will be strictly enforced, so you won’t have any chance to sign up courses or change your selections any more.
If you wish to take one specified course but fail to sign it up online, you won’t get the grade for the course even if you complete all the assessing requirements. By the same token, if you suppose not to take one specified course but enrolled it online, you will have to take it after deadline. Before you decide for the chosen courses, you could sit in for the introduction lecture during the first week before making a decision.
If a student withdraws from a course halfway through the semester, or if he/she does not fulfill the requirements for a course (for example, failure to sit final exam), the university will consider the student has failed the course and it will be recorded accordingly in his/her transcript.
* Note:
(1) An elective course cannot be offered continually if the number of the students selecting it does not meet the required minimum number of 4 persons in accordance with PKU regulations. However, SIS would like to make an exception for international programs by allowing a course with only 3 students to continue. In spite of this, the possibility does exist that one or more of the elective courses taught in English are chosen by less than 3 students, and so cannot be offered for the whole semester.
(2) Student is required to pay full amount of tuition fee by the required deadline, or the course enrollment result will be revoked.
(3) During the school session, students who will miss one or two classes due to personal or professional reasons need to inform the instructor(s) in advance to avoid any issues. Students who are unable to attend classes for a couple of days need to ask the Academic Advisor and the Program Officer for permission.
(Refer to the 2019 SIS Handbook for International Master's Program, Page 13-14.)